Here I wanted to experiment with my project, idea- super em posing and pasting a Barbie face over my models face, to accentuate the lengths that some women go to with plastic surgery, to look 'perfect' with the ideal features in proportion with each other,giving a symmetrical face. I used Barbie as this figurine is the extreme ideal, with my model In the target group aged 20 year old teenager,who are considered the vulnerable group, susceptible to suggestion Dressed in evening wear to appear glamorous.Yet realising how fake and abnormal this appearance.
My original portrait photograph of my model.
Choosing this blonde Barbie from the internet, similar to the photograph of my blonde model.Using this image as the photograph of the Barbie is positioned taken at the same angle as my model allowing this to match the face structure.
Placing the Barbie image in Photoshop before adjusting.
Using quick selection tool to select the face of the original Barbie image, to accurately grasp the shape of the face.Then using key *command J* to create a new layer.Free transforming the Barbie face onto my models,selecting- image-adjust in order to match the skin tone,as you can see there is a clear difference between the tanned smooth Barbie skin tone and Emily's lighter tone with the redness of the light glowing on her neck.Blending the two together.
Changing the colour balance from the Barbie face skin tone, to the redness vibe from the base layer of my friend, to match to colour, to look more realistically freaky
Below I used the patch tool to soften the harsh shadow on the neck .This was caused by the contrat from the two differently lit images of Barbie and my model,when I flipped the image in order match the angle of my models face structure.As the Barbie image was taken with a harsh light on the right, in comparison to the lighting of the original Barbie image taken from the left, causing  the difference in the angle lighting .
The correction of the patch tool,matching and erasing the lighting and shadow on her neck.
In this image I could see that I needed to improve the skin tone transition on her forehead.
Adjusting the lighting, exposure and contract to the skin tone in Photoshop. 
Here is the finished image, as you can see the Barbie face merging into hers,her forehead appears much smoother without a skin tone line.Giving a realistic appeal of the 'perfect' Barbie face.Clipping my models hair back made this much easier to transform her face, without the difficulties in to clone her hair.I think this works well at portraying the ideal fake look.Yet remaining an obvious super em posed image.

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    This is my blog to upload my didgital workbook for my Level 5 assesment of The Manufactured image.Here I will be uploading my ideas, research,develpments and images.